Lambda function to tag all available snapshots
Following Lambda function will add a defined tag(s) to all available EBS snapshots. Lambda function should be associated with an IAM Role with necessary permissions. E.g with EC2FullAccess permissions. from __future__ import print_function import json import boto3 import logging #setup simple logging for INFO logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR) #define the connection region ec2 = boto3.resource('ec2', region_name="eu-west-2") ec = boto3.client('ec2', 'eu-west-2') snapshots = ec.describe_snapshots(MaxResults=1000,OwnerIds=['put account id here'])['Snapshots'] #Set this to True if you don't want the function to perform any actions debugMode = False def lambda_handler(event, context): for snapshot in snapshots: print('Sanpshot id '+snapshot['SnapshotId']) snapshotx = ec2.Snapshot(snapshot['SnapshotId']) snapshotx.create_tags(Tags=[{'Key': 'T...